TrainRx Performance Programming - Built for the Every Day Athlete

TrainRx Performance Programming - Built for the Every Day Athlete

No matter your age. No matter your gender. No matter your level of experience. TrainRx Performance Programming is built for the every day athlete - if you want to train, have the desire to make physical and mental improvements, and are willing to put in the work, TrainRx Performance Programming has a program for you.

Have undeniable confidence in your training program. That's what you get with the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform. 

The TrainRx Performance Programming Platform

With 7 different training programs to choose from, every style of training is covered. From Classic CrossFit to Bodybuilding with a twist, it's all here.

HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning for Functional Fitness

Reap the benefits of a true strength & conditioning program. These aren't just random workouts. Each training day on HybridRx is designed to progress you through tried and proven strength building progressions combined with the most bang for your buck conditioning workouts. And it's not going to take you 2 hours or 2 training sessions per day. 

On HybridRx we prioritize building top end strength in the Squat, Press, and Deadlift and build efficiency and progress the Olympic lifts. Because HybridRx is an ongoing training program, you can expect to cycle through various intensities, total volume, and max out your lifts on a regular basis to keep your percentages up to date to ensure that you keep making forward progress. 

Each training day includes a hard hitting conditioning piece. This is usually a one or two part section in your daily training that focuses on increasing overall capacity and muscle endurance. We use a "constantly varied" format to keep things fresh, but use the most productive formats out there to help you crush your conditioning goals. 

HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning for Functional Fitness

MetConRx - Constantly Varied Mixed Modal Conditioning

Build an engine that will not quit. There's an old saying that surfaces every now and then - "If your conditioning sucks, then it's probably working". MetConRx is designed to push you to your physical limits by using top tier mixed modal conditioning formats that bias higher volume, varying intensities, and a high variety of movement patterns. We use lighter loads, a wide variety of gymnastics movements, and cyclical modalities to build capacity and increase overall endurance.

Conditioning does not have to be complicated. We don't need to know our "time trial" paces, or nose breathe only to improve our work capacity. What we do need however, is the willingness to get uncomfortable. On MetConRx we use AMRAPs, For Time WODs, Chippers, EMOMs, and Circuit Training to push the limits of our capacity and build the endurance we need to tolerate the demands of functional fitness. 

But here's the thing, MetConRx isn't just for someone who wants to build capacity. This program is awesome for the individual who likes to use lighter weights, who enjoys a faster paced setting, and wants to get the most out of mixed modal workouts. 

MetConRx - Constantly Varied Mixed Modal Conditioning

BuildRx - High Intensity Bodybuilding

This is not your typical bodybuilding program. Everyone on the planet can do a quick internet search and find a standard bodybuilding template that they can follow anywhere, at anytime. And they'll probably get some good results for a few months. But like all good things, they come to an end. Cue BuildRx. On BuildRx we use less conventional, but highly effective methods to promote hypertrophy and build top end strength at varying intensities. On this program, you get what you are willing to give. How comfortable are you with being uncomfortable?

Strength training is hard work, and we often need a bit of a push to put in the work required to see true progress. On BuildRx we use "Weight of Max Repetitions" and Interval Training Formats to produce savage feats of strength and build incredible muscular endurance. Each training day is a full body blast designed to take you through various hypertrophy based training pieces that are guaranteed to help you pack on slabs of muscle. 

Did you know that training each muscle group multiple times per week is far more productive than trining one muscle group 1-2x per week? Recent research shows that exposing each individual muscle group to smaller doses of volume each training day actually produces better results in terms of muscle growth than one or two dedicated sessions per week. So you can kiss "Leg Day" goodbye, and look forward to a full body pump every day.

BuildRx - High Intensity Bodybuilding

StrengthRx - Interval Weight & Gymnastics Training

Combining weightlifting/gymnastics movements with hard hitting cyclical intervals has been around for ages. The results it produces cannot be questioned. If you want to lift heavy, move fast, and build incredible endurance then Interval Weight/Gymnastics Training is right up your alley.

On StrengthRx we combine the Squat, Press, and Deadlift, along with the Olympic Lifts and their variants with hard hitting intervals on the Airbike or Rower. Each training day is designed to help you build top end strength endurance. We lift heavy, sprint hard, and turn our bodies into the machines they were designed to be. 

StrengthRx also includes muscle endurance biased conditioning. You can expect to see AMRAPs, EMOMs, and Circuit Training specifically designed to help you build endurance and grow more accustomed to lifting weights and moving your own bodyweight while under fatigue.

StrengthRx - Interval Weight & Gymnastics Training

WODRx - Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

CrossFit works. You may hate it. Maybe you love it. But no one can deny the fact that CrossFit is one of the best ways to train for improved overall health and fitness. On the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform we put our own spin on CrossFit. Each training day is a combination of conditioning based workouts that are designed to help you improve your general physical performance. 

We use a "constantly varied" format to structure all of our training, you'll be exposed to singular monostructural workouts, couplets, triplets, longer circuits, and more. Each day can hold any combination of strength tests, long or short conditioning pieces, and so much more. But don't confuse "constantly varied" for random. We focus on using the most productive formats to build capacity, learn how to self pace, and improve our overall fitness. 

Each training day is a 30:00-60:00 minute blast of hard work. Everything is timed out for you, from individual training pieces to rest periods. 

WODRx - Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

BaseRx - Limited Time Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

Life gets busy. Dedicating an hour or more in the gym just doesn't work for everyone. That's why BaseRx was created. Every training day on BaseRx can be completed in 30:00 minute or less, and it's all timed out for you.

On BaseRx, we follow the same "constantly varied" structure found on WODRx, and we focus on using the most productive CrossFit formats out there to improve our overall health and fitness. Each training day can include any combination of singular modality work to couplets to triplets - you'll never find yourself bored with your daily workout. 

BaseRx is little bit more like your classic workout at your local Box, but it still includes a bit more training. You can expect to find a wide variety of longer aerobic pieces combined with shorter, more intense conditioning. This program is great for anyone who is short on time or wants to throw down in their garage gym.

BaseRx - Limited Time Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

DumbbellRx - Limited Equipment Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

Your training should not be watered down or of lesser quality because you don't have access to a full gym. Let me say it again, your training should not be of lesser quality because you do not have access to a full gym. If you think your workouts need be full of burpees, or nonsense filler because you don't have a barbell, an Airbike, or an array of kettlebells to use, then think again. 

DumbbellRx originated from the need for high quality training with limited resources. Each training day on DumbbellRx follows the same "constantly varied" structure of WODRx and BaseRx but allows you to train while only using a pair of dumbbells and a jump rope. Having access to a pull up bar or cyclical machine is an added bonus, but everything is tailored for the latter. 

Expect to cycle through the most productive mixed modal conditioning formats, tackle had hitting WODs, and put your physical capacity to the test on a daily basis. DumbbellRx is a conditioning based program due to the limitations imposed by dumbbells, so there's no strength work here. 

DumbbellRx - Limited Equipment Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

Thanks for Checking Out TrainRx Performance Programming

The TrainRx Performance Programming platform wouldn't exist it weren't for all of your dedication and support. The platform has grown to be the home of hundreds of individuals around the world and continues to grow every single day. 

If you're not a part of it, and are ready to take the leap and start your fitness journey with us. Check out the link below and start a 7 Day Free Trial today. I can't wait to see what you can accomplish on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform.

7-Day Free Trial


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