Built for the Every Day Athlete

Built for the Every Day Athlete

The TrainRx Performance Programming Platform was created with one goal in mind. To provide high quality training programs for the every day athlete. To me, this meant using the most effective progressions, the most efficient formats, and structuring workouts that can be completed in one training session that won't require you to spend 2 hours in the gym every single day.

At TrainRx Performance Programming you will be put to the test. We don't follow the newest, "sexiest" internet trends. We don't use filler exercises for the sake of just doing something. We build strength with proven strength training progressions. We increase our capacity and build endurance with hard hitting conditioning workouts that promote pacing and the accumulation of volume. And we do all of this in a way that will allow everyone to see success. You can be the most experienced athlete in the gym or the guy picking up a dumbbell for the first time in 10 years, it doesn't matter who you are. You can do this.

There are 7 different training programs to choose from on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform. Today, I'll be sharing 3 sample workouts from the 3 most popular programs on the platform.


HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning for the every day athlete. When you combine strength training with intense conditioning work you create the kind of person who is ready for anything. You're not just your average gym goer. You're an athlete. 

HybridRx is for you if you want to:

  • Build Serious Muscle
  • Get Stronger Than You've Ever Been Before
  • Increase Muscle Endurance & Work Capacity
  • Improve Your Body Composition
  • Keep Training Hard & Feel Motivated to Do So Each Day

Check out this sample workout.

A. For Time; At Sustained Effort
30m Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 95/65 lb
15 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb
15 Toes to Bar

30m Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 95/65 lb
12 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb
12 Toes to Bar

30m Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (40 Steps); 95/65 lb
9 Single Arm DB Power Snatch; 50/30 lb
9 Toes to Bar

B. DB Bench Press; 8-10 Reps x 3 Sets; 20X1; Build Each Set (RPE 8-9 out of 10); Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets

C. Barbell Deadstop Row; 8-10 Reps x 3 Sets; 21X0; Build Each Set (RPE 8-9 out of 10); Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets

Become the athlete you were meant to be and be ready for anything on HybridRx.

WODRx - Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

High Intensity Interval Training for the rep chasers, those who love a hard sweat, and anyone who wants to increase muscle endurance and capacity. Mindless conditioning workouts don't get you results. Using the most effective formats, training hard, and hammering the basics will always get you where you want to be. 

WODRx is for you if you want to:

  • Build Capacity and Muscular Endurance
  • Follow the old school "CrossFit Blog" style training protocol 
  • Get a Good, Hard Sweat in the Gym
  • Prioritize Simple Effective Training Strategies

Check out this sample workout:

A. 18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
15 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand
7 Power Clean to Overhead; 135/75 lb
7 Pull Up

*RX+: 3 Bar Muscle Up/Ring Muscle Up
Rest 5:00 Minutes
B. 3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort; 18:00 Minute Time Cap
20 Deadlift; 185/95 lb
30/24 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Box Jump Over

Crush Classic CrossFit on WODRx.

BuildRx - High Intensity Bodybuilding

A bodybuilding program unlike any you've ever done before. BuildRx is a completely unique Full Body Training blast designed to guide you through top end strength progressions and hypertrophy training methods. The kicker here is, we use high intensity formats such as EMOMs, Intervals, AMRAPs, and more to promote efficiency, to stay on task, and get you a full body pump like none you've ever had before.

BuildRx is for you if you want to:

  • Build Savage Strength
  • Increase Muscular Endurance
  • Prioritize Body Composition
  • Get Effective & Efficient Strength Training in Each Day

Check out this sample workout:

A. EMOM Until 24 Repetitions; At 85% of 1RM Close Grip Bench Press
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Close Grip Bench Press; 20X1

B. 3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions
1:00 Minute: Strict Chin Up; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Rest

C. EMOM x 10:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR15
WMR15 = Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - L; 10X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - R; 10X1

D. EMOM Until 40 Repetitions/Side; At WMR8
WMR8 = Max Weight for 8 Unbroken Repetitions
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Barbell Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift - L; 20X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Barbell Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift - R; 20X1

It's time to take your bodybuilding to the next level with BuildRx.

Built for the Every Day Athlete

Like what you see? Check out a 7-Day Free Trial today and get access to all 7 TrainRx Performance Programs for a full week. 

Black Friday Sales are live on the entire platform until November 30th. Use code BLK and save 50% on all TrainRx Performance Programming Membership Options!

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