AMRAPs - Today's GPP WOD Sample

AMRAPs - Today's GPP WOD Sample

Using AMRAPs for Conditioning & Strength Training - 9 AMRAPs You Need to Try

If you aren't familiar with the terminology, AMRAP is short for "As Many Rounds As Possible" or "As Many Reps As Possible". In an AMRAP, our goal is volume. We want to accumulate as many repetitions as possible of a given movement or complete as many rounds of a circuit as possible in a specific time domain. 

Whether you do CrossFit, if you Run, if you're a Strength Athlete, or a Regular Gym-Goer, AMRAPs can be a powerful addition to your training regiment - they can help bolster endurance, increase overall work capacity, and aid in building strength.

Check out these AMRAPs in today's GPP WOD Sample below!

AMRAPs for CrossFit & Mixed Modal Conditioning

Sample 1:
18:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
5 Pull Up
10 Push Up
15 Air Squat

Sample 2:
9:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
7 Deadlift; 275/135 lb
7 Box Jump Step Down

Sample 3:
3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 3 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
7/5 Calories Airbike
5 Burpee
3 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand

No matter if you're a beginner athlete who is new to the AMRAP or the most advanced athlete in the Box, the AMRAP will bolster your overall level of fitness. Keep in mind, Mixed Modal AMRAPs are designed to be intense, the amount of work you get done and the pace at which you move at will ultimately drive the success of this type of training.

Check out WODRx for more CrossFit & Mixed Modal Conditioning AMRAPs on the TrainRx Performance Programming platform!

AMRAPs for Cyclical Conditioning

Sample 1:
15:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort (Increase Calorie Count by 5 Every Round)
5-10-15-20-25-etc Calories;

Sample 2:
30:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
1,000m Row
50/40 Calories Airbike
200m Run

Sample 3:
3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets
400m Run
AMRAP In Remaining Time: Airbike (Calories)

Want to get the most out of your conditioning? Start with cyclical endurance. The more work you can tolerate on cyclical pieces will ultimately translate over to the amount of work you can handle in a Mixed Modal environment. 

Check out MetConRx for more dedicated Cyclical training on the TrainRx Performance Programming platform!


AMRAPs for Strength Training

Sample 1:
6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets (1 Set Per Leg); At Strength Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
Dual DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; At RPE 7-8 out of 10

Sample 2:
5 Sets; Each For Max Unbroken Repetitions; At Strength Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets
Close Grip Bench Press; At 75% of 1RM Close Grip Bench Press or RPE 8-9 out of 10

Sample 3:
3 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Strength Effort
1:00 Minute: DB Goblet Cyclist Squat; At RPE 6-7 out of 10
1:00 Minute: Russian KB Swing; At RPE 6-7 out of 10
1:00 Minute: Rest

You don't have to test your 1RM all of the time to see how much stronger you have gotten. Using the AMRAP in a strength training setting is a great way to utilize lower percentages of your 1RM to test absolute strength - hint hint, if you can do 5 reps at 75% of your 1RM and then a few weeks later, you can do 7 reps, you've gotten stronger! 

Check out how we use AMRAPs to build insane strength and pack on muscle with BuildRx!

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