Super Charge Your Strength & Hypertrophy Training with BuildRx!

Super Charge Your Strength & Hypertrophy Training with BuildRx!

The most effective strength & hypertrophy training strategy you're probably missing out on.

Full Body PUMPS every single day. Did you know that there are recent studies out there showing that individuals who train on a Full Body Split make more progress than those who follow more traditional training splits like Upper/Lower or the classic "Bro Split"?

Following a Full Body Training Split allows the individual to accumulate more high quality training volume over greater lengths of time, and this allows them to get seriously good results without smashing themselves into the ground. But that's not the only reason why we love Full Body Strength & Hypertrophy Training on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform. Check this out:

  1. Because you're only doing one exercise per muscle group each day, there will be no "burnout" days like a traditional leg day where you can't walk out of the gym. Plus, because we're doing Full Body, you get to lift your favorite muscle groups every single day.
  2. Because it's likely a new concept to you, it's going to boost your results like crazy. The new training stimulus will motivate you to keep getting after it every single day and the daily pump is going to keep morale super high!
  3. Less risk of injury - because we aren't doing 20+ sets of one muscle group per day, we drastically decrease the risk of fatigue related injuries. Especially to the more sensitive muscle groups and joints like our shoulders.
  4. Massive amounts of high quality training volume each week - with a Full Body Split, you are forced to make every single work set count. There are no other exercises to make up for the lack of effort you put in on a specific movement. Higher levels of effort = higher training intensities, and when we train with higher intensities we see results!

On BuildRx we prioritize the Full Body Split. Every single day is heavily focused on providing you a killer strength & hypertrophy workout that's going to help you build serious strength and change the way you look. You'll never get bored either, every single day is something new. You'll be challenged across a wide variety of rep ranges, loads, percentages, and movement patterns to keep your daily workouts fresh and exciting. 

If you're stuck on the old school Bro Split or are tired of your weekly leg day, you need to make the switch to Full Body Splits. The results you get will be well worth it, I can guarantee it.

BuildRx - High Intensity Body Building Sample Workout

A. EMOM Until 24 Repetitions; At 75% of 1RM
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Close Grip Bench Press; 20X1

B. EMOM x 10:00 Minutes; For Max Total Repetitions; At WMR8
Minute 1:00: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual KB Front Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - L; 20X1
Minute 2:00: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual KB Front Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - R; 20X1
WMR8 = Max Weight for 8 Unbroken Repetitions 

C. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Total Repetitions; At WMR15
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Straight Leg Deadlift; 20X1
WMR15 = Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions

D. 5 Sets; Each For As Many Repetitions As Possible; At WMR15
1:00 Minute: Dual DB Alternating Biceps Curl; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Rest
WMR15 = Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions/Side

E. EMOM Until 400m Accumulated (526 Total Steps)
Max Unbroken Distance: Dual KB Farmer's Carry
RX: 70/50 lb per Hand
Scaled: 50/30 lb per Hand
20 Steps = 15m

Take your Strength & Hypertrophy Training to the next level and get your 1st 30 days BuildRx for FREE - Click Here

Check out the BuildRx; High Intensity Bodybuilding eBook - Click Here

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