BuildRx; WOD 54

BuildRx; WOD 54

Sample BuildRx WOD 54 - 4/22/2022

Optional Warm Up; Pre-Fatigue

EMOM x 9:00 Minutes; For Quality

Minute 1:00: 10-12 Ring Push Up

Minute 2:00: 10 Jump Lunges/Side

Minute 3:00: 15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry; Moderate Loads

A. Density Build; 3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 2 Sets; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets

Dual KB Strict Overhead Press

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Light Effort - Challenging Loads

RPE Scale: 6-7 out of 10

B. Front Squat; 8 Reps x 3 Sets; 21X1; Increase Each Set; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Tough Final Set

RPE Scale: 7-8 out of 10

C1. Single Arm DB Row; 5 Reps/Side x 3 Sets; 30X1; Increase Each Set; Rest 1:00 Minute

C2. Ring Front Leaning Rest; Max Duration x 3 Sets; Rest 1:00 Minute Between Supersets

Recommended Scaling Options:

Single Arm DB Row;

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Heavy Final Set

RPE Scale: 9-10 out of 10

Ring Front Leaning Rest;

Scaled: Plank

D. Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust; 5 Reps/Side x 3 Sets; 30X1; Increase Each Set; Rest As Needed Between Sides

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Heavy Final Set

RPE Scale: 9-10 out of 10

 *Get your 1st month of BuildRx for free with code "free" at checkout*

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