MetConRx; WOD 614

MetConRx; WOD 614

MetConRx - Mixed Modal Conditioning & Aerobic Capacity

MetConRx; 614 - 06/10/2022

A. EMOM x 40:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort

Minute 1:00: 9 Pull Up

Minute 2:00: 50m Sandbag Carry or Dual KB Front Rack Carry

Minute 3:00: 60 Double Unders

Minute 4:00: 15 American KB Swing

Minute 5:00 30 Air Squat

Recommended Scaling Options:

Pull Up;

RX: Kipping or Strict

Scaled: Assisted Pull Up or Ring Row

Scaled Rep Count: 5-7 Reps

Sandbag Carry;

RX: As Heavy As Possible

Alternative Movement Option: Dual KB Front Rack Carry; 53/35 lb per Hand

Double Unders;

RX: 60 Reps

RX+: 75 Reps

Scaled Rep Count: 45 Reps

Scaled: Single Unders

American KB Swing;

RX: Light Effort - 53/35 lb

Scaled: Light Effort - 35/26 lb

Download the MetConRx 3 Workout Sample PDF for free or check out the full program here!

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