MetConRx Sample Workout

MetConRx Sample Workout

MetConRx; Constantly Varied Metabolic Conditioning

We all love intensity. We all love the idea of doing something different day. If we didn't enjoy these things, we probably wouldn't be interested in CrossFit or Functional Fitness at all. By the way, if you fall into this category, and don't like CrossFit or Functional Fitness training, that's not your cue to exit the email! Trust me you're going to want to stick around for this.

MetConRx is the premier program for building capacity, increasing overall endurance, and building an engine that won't quit - for Mixed Modal Conditioning. Here's the thing, say you follow a CrossFit type formula for your daily WOD/Conditioning. Anything goes right? You may have an AMRAP for 20:00 minutes one day, then a 6:00 minute Chipper the next, followed by a series of 3:00 minute AMRAPs the following day. This is where I think the popular "constantly varied" format misses. If you truly want to improve your capacity, build endurance, and learn how to tackle Constantly Varied Functional Fitness/Mixed Modality Conditioning then you need a more systematic approach.

On MetConRx we keep things varied, you can expect a different training format each day, but where things differ from the classic "constantly varied" structure is we actually follow progressions, we stick to the most effective formats to drive home constant progress, and we do all of this by including a high variety of movement patterns combined with light-moderate loads and varying gymnastic movements. 

So if you follow MetConRx, or are thinking about giving it a shot, you can expect to see AMRAPs that follow progressions, formats that are repeated - but with different movement patterns, and an approach that focuses on accumulating high amounts of volume.  

What you get on MetConRx:

  • Daily Conditioning Workouts
  • Continuous exposure to AMRAPs, For Time Workouts, Chipper, Constant Variance, & EMOMs - the most effective formatting for building endurance & increasing capacity!
  • Structured Warm Up to prep you for the day's training
  • Detailed descriptions on how to perform all of the training prescribed each day.

MetConRx is designed for anyone who wants a sweaty, hard hitting conditioning workout that isn't just random amounts of work thrown on a page. If you prefer to use lighter weights, tackle high volume WODs, and want to learn how to self pace/improve your overall endurance you need to check out MetConRx.


MetConRx Sample Workout:

Constant Variance; Gymnastic + Monostructural + Weighted
5 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Change the Order Each Set; Rest 3:00-5:00 Minutes Between Sets

Set 1: ABCDE
Set 2: EDCBA
Set 3: EADBC
Set 4: AEBDC
Set 5: CBDAE

A - 15 Burpee
B - 15/12 Calories Airbike
C - 10 Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead
D - 15/12 Calorie Row
E - 15 Toes to Bar

Recommended Scaling Options:
Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead;
RX: 50/30 lb per Hand
Scaled: 35/20 lb per Hand

Toes to Bar;
Scaled/Alternative Movement Option: V-Up


Constant Variance Explained

Changing the order in which you perform the given exercises isn't just a flashy way of making your workout look different than the other guy's program. There's a purpose, a real reason behind why we choose to vary the order in which we perform these movements. But, just to get it out there, yes it is a fun and exciting way to mix things up. And if you haven't tried a Constant Variance workout yet, definitely give the sample above a try!

Constant Variance gives us an opportunity to see how well we can adapt to the individual demands of each movement. How well do we go from a set of Burpees right into a set of Dual DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead? Do we experience fatigue in our shoulders making the HPC to Overhead more difficult than it usually is, or are we conditioned enough to handle the volume? Taking the time to understand how we feel during these sets can be great insight to how well we handle varying movement patterns.

Changing the order each set also gives us an opportunity to see how well we can repeat our efforts. Can we stay consistent each set, or does a specific order limit our ability to perform the movements effectively?

Lastly, Constant Variance is a "more advanced" form of conditioning. To truly reap the benefits of this format we need to be aware of our ability to repeat efforts, understand which orders cause problems and which orders end up being easy. But just because it's more "advanced", it doesn't mean that the less experienced individual can't use it. 

No matter who you are, the most experienced individual in the gym or if it's your first workout ever, you can do this workout! Constant Variance will help you learn how to self pace, prepare you for the unknown of CrossFit WODs, and keep your sets a little more exciting!


Are you ready to take a real approach to building capacity? Get started with MetConRx today - Click Here

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