HybridRx Sample Workout

HybridRx Sample Workout

HybridRx; Strength & Conditioning for Functional Fitness

Strength & Conditioning is for everyone. Whether you're the most experienced athlete in the gym or just starting out, the benefits of a quality strength & conditioning program are unmeasurable. 

HybridRx is a strength & conditioning program designed for the every day athlete. Each training day includes 1 or more focused strength pieces combined with 1 or more conditioning workouts.

What makes HybridRx different from most of the other Strength & Conditioning Programs on the internet is that it's an ongoing training program. Sure we have training cycles, but you can hop on this program at any point and still get great results. On HybridRx we regularly test our 1 and 3 Rep Maxes, use Progressive Overload to drive home strength progressions, and use a variety of strength and muscle endurance tactics to prepare you for constant progress. This program does not have any "fluff" in it. Each training day also includes a hard hitting conditioning piece that's designed to help you build capacity and endurance that will help you excel inside and outside of the gym.

And the best thing about it is, you're going to be training just like the best in the business. We only use the most effective, results driven formats, progressions, and tactics on HybridRx. No nonsense, no flashy movements, and no overly complex strategies. 

What you get on HybridRx:

  • Daily Absolute Strength Training Progressions
  • Focused Hypertrophy/Accessory Training Pieces
  • Daily Conditioning WODs designed to build capacity and increase overall endurance
  • Structured Warm Up to prep you for the day's training

If your main goal is to build quality strength and improve your capacity then HybridRx is the solution for you. Check out the sample workout below and test drive a HybridRx workout straight from the program!

HybridRx Sample Workout:

Conditioning: AMRAP

A1. 9:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort

7 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead; 70/50 lb

15 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb per Hand


A2. 9:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort

3-6-9-12-15-etc Calories;




Max Effort Lift: Weighted; Olympic

Establish a 1 Rep Max; 9:00 Minute Time Cap



Max Effort Lift: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Double Leg

Establish a 1 Rep Max; 9:00 Minute Time Cap

Front Squat; 20X1



Want more HybridRx? Click here to get started with your 1st month FREE using the code "free" at checkout.

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