Sample BaseRx - Limited Time Training WODs
Single Modality WODs: Monostructural/Gymnastic/Weighted
Sample WOD 1: Monostructural
A. Every 3:00 Minutes x 8 Sets; At Sustained Effort
250m/200m Row
12/9 Calories Airbike
Max Repetitions In Remaining Time: Double Unders/Single Unders
Sample WOD 2: Gymnastic
A. On the Minute x 20:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort
3 Strict Pull Up
6 Push Up
9 Air Squat
*All 3 movements must be completed in the 1:00 minute work interval*
Sample WOD 3: Weighted
A. Every 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; At Strength Effort
8 Back Squat; At 75% of 1RM
B. Every 2:00 Minutes x 3-5 Sets; Increase Until Max Load For The Day
10 Strict Overhead Press; RPE 7-8 out of 10
*If you can no longer increase the load stop performing sets*
Couplets: Monostructural + Gymnastic/Monostructural + Weighted/Gymnastic + Weighted
Sample WOD 1: Monostructural + Gymnastic
A. 3 Sets; For Time; 12:00 Minute Time Cap
15/12 Calories Airbike
12 Burpee
9 Pull Up
Rest Any Remaining Time in 12:00 Minute Interval
B. 3 Sets; For Time; 12:00 Minute Time Cap
9 Box Jump Step Down
12 Toes to Bar
250/200m Row
Sample WOD 2: Monostructural + Weighted
A. For 5 Sets; At Sustained Effort
Airbike; At Minutes 3:00/6:00/9:00/12:00/15:00 - Perform a Set of Max Unbroken Repetitions;
Power Clean to Overhead; At 75% of 1RM Clean & Jerk
Sample WOD 3: Gymnastic + Weighted
A. For Time; At Sustained Effort
21-15-9 Reps;
Box Jump Step Down
Deadlift; At 55% of 1RM
Rest 3:00 Minutes
B. For Time; At Sustained Effort
9-15-21 Reps;
American KB Swing; 53/35 lb
GHD Sit Up/Sit Up
Triplets: Monostructural + Gymnastic + Weighted/Weighted + Monostructural + Gymnastic/Gymnastic + Weighted + Monostructural
Sample WOD 1: Monostructural + Gymnastic + Weighted
A. 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 3 Sets; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
400m Run
15 Push Up
AMRAP In Remaining Time: Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps; 50/30 lb per Hand
Sample 2: Weighted + Monostructural + Gymnastic
A. 3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets
21 Dual DB Power Snatch; 50/30 lb per Hand
15/12 Calories Airbike
9 Box Jump Step Down
60 Double Unders/Single Unders
Sample WOD 3: Gymnastic + Weighted + Monostructural
A. For Time; At Sustained Effort
50 Burpee
30 Dual DB Box Step Over; 35/20 lb per Hand
1,000m Row
30 Dual DB Box Step Over; 35/20 lb per Hand
50 Burpee
BaseRx officially starts on May 1st - Start your program today!