WODRx Sample Workout

WODRx Sample Workout

Classic CrossFit packs a serious punch. This is definitely one of the more popular reasons as to why Constantly Varied Functional Fitness is so sought after in the Functional Fitness space. There's nothing better than hitting a hard WOD, dripping sweat, and finishing your training day with the satisfaction of pushing yourself to your absolute limit. It's addictive.

So if you're into the old school CrossFit WOD Blog style training, then you're in the right place. On WODRx we take the most effective, classic CrossFit formats and build out a hard hitting 60:00 minute "Mash Up" of WODs each and every single day. Anything goes on WODRx so be ready for fast paced triplets, 21-15-9 couplets, Strength Tests, long grind circuit training, and so much more. 

There's beauty in the design of an effective CrossFit program. It's eloquent, it flows, and hits all of the necessary modalities and concepts needed for long term success in the space. But this idea is often where we can get lost. There's so many ways to approach CrossFit now, it's evolved, it's continuing to change on a daily basis, so how can we possibly decide what is right and what is on the verge of being too far gone?

The answer is simple. Restraint. Restraint from diving too deep into the realm of complexity. Restraint from trying to do too much. Restraint from the feeling of "more is better".

Let me share a quote from the former CEO of CrossFit Inc.

"There is a compelling tendency among novices developing any skill or art to quickly move past the fundamentals and on to more elaborate, more sophisticated movements, skills, or techniques."

- Greg Glassman

So how does all of that tie into what we do on WODRx? Well, it lays the foundation for what this program actually is. It acts as a blueprint, or a roadmap. It tells us what to do, how to do it, and what to focus on. That's why on WODRx you're only going to see the most effective WOD formats, why we constantly focus on the basic movement patterns, why we don't overreach and try to do too much, and most importantly - Why we don't treat a program that is designed for the every day athlete like a training day for the professional competitor. 

Here's What You Get on WODRx:

  • Daily "Mash Up" of Classic CrossFit
  • Constant focus on AMRAPs, For Time WODs, Chippers, Circuit Training, Intervals, and Strength Tests
  • Daily exposure to the basic movement patterns
  • Timed training sessions - everything fits in a 60:00 minute window
  • Programming designed to help you get more fit - not designed to reduce you to a puddle on the ground

WODRx is designed for the individual who loves the old school CrossFit Blog. This is for the man or woman who wants to keep their training simple and sustainable. For anyone who knows the value of performing the basics extremely well. 

Check out this week's WODRx Sample Workout to catch a glimpse of a full training day!

Sample Training Day:

Minutes 0:00-12:00
A. For Time; At Sustained Effort; 12:00 Minute Time Cap
15-12-9 Reps;
Pull Up
Power Clean to Overhead; 155/95 lb
Rest Minutes 12:00-17:00
Minutes 17:00-32:00
B. 3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort; 15:00 Minute Time Cap
21/16 Calories Airbike
15m Dual KB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Steps); 53/35 lb
9 Burpee Box Jump Over
Rest Minutes 32:00-37:00
Minutes 37:00-52:00
C. 15:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
250/200m Row
7 Deadlift; 225/115 lb
15 Toes to Bar

Want to share your thoughts or how you performed in the workout above?  Leave a comment with your scores!

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