WODRx Sample Workout

WODRx Sample Workout

WODRx is a daily 60:00 minute mash up of classic CrossFit based WODs. No Skill or Strength Progressions, perfect for anyone who is looking to get back into the gym, throw down at home with family and friends, or for anyone just looking to get a super efficient training session in.

This program is designed to be 60:00 minutes or less every single day (not including the Optional Warm Up). Every single piece of your training day is timed, from workouts to rest periods, it's all on the clock to get you in and out. Each training day is a potent dose of classic CrossFit, so you should be ready for anything!

We only use the most effective CrossFit training formats on WODRx - from AMRAPs, to Chippers, to Circuits, and For Time Workouts, you will never be bored with your daily workout. 

So, if you love throwing down on classic formats like 21-15-9 Couplets, long Chippers that require you to just put your head down and work, or grinding through AMRAPs to test your overall capacity then you've come to the right place.

What you get on WODRx:

  • Daily "Mash Up" of classic CrossFit based workouts
  • Timed training sessions, from start to finish, rest periods and all - 60:00 Minutes in Total
  • Structured "Optional Warm Up" to prep you for the day's training
  • Detailed descriptions on how to perform all of the training prescribed each day.

WODRx is designed for the individual who loves the old school CrossFit Box Blog style program. The daily WOD doesn't just end with one workout though, each training day consists of 1-3 "WODs" to get you a potent dose of true CrossFit.


WODRx Sample Workout:

Minutes 0:00-27:00
For Time; Gymnastic + Weighted

3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort; 18:00 Minute Time Cap
30 Pull Up
30m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (40 Steps); 70/50 lb 
30 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb
15 Burpee
Rest Minutes 27:00-32:00
Minutes 32:00-47:00
Chipper; Monostructural
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 15:00 Minute Time Cap
75 Double Unders
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Calories;

Check out a closer look at the workout above on the TrainRx Performance Programming Youtube Channel!



Want to check out more from WODRx? Start your WODRx Month to Month Membership today and get your 1st month FREE with the code "free" at checkout!

Or check out the WODRx 3 Workout Sample Download for more - WODRx 3 Workout Sample Download


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