StrengthRx; WOD 464

StrengthRx; WOD 464

Sample StrengthRx WOD 464 - 3/11/2022

A1. Dual DB Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift; 6-8 Reps/Side x 3 Sets; 21X1; Increase Each Set; Rest 1:00 Minute

A2. Dual DB Biceps Curl; 10 Reps x 3 Sets; 11X1; Rest 1:00 Minute Between Supersets

Recommended Scaling Options:

Dual DB Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift;

RX: Increasing Effort - Tough Final Set

Dual DB Biceps Curl;

RX: Light Effort - Challenging Sets

B. Every 4:00 Minutes x 3-5 Sets; At Sustained Effort

9 Strict Handstand Push Up

12 Sit Up

15 Dual DB Box Step Over; 35/20 lb per Hand

Recommended Scaling Options:

Strict Handstand Push Up;

RX: Strict - Body Weight

Scaled: Pike Push Up or Ring Dip

Dual DB Box Step Over;

RX: Light Effort - 35/20 lb per Hand

RX+: Light Effort - 50/30 lb per Hand

*Note: If you can no longer complete the workload prescribed within 4:00 minutes stop performing sets*

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