StrengthRx Sample Workout

StrengthRx Sample Workout

StrengthRx; Interval Weightlifting/Gymnastics Training & Muscle Endurance Building

Weight training and cyclical intervals have been paired up for ages. There's no denying that combining resistance training with varied cyclical pieces results in a high powered, killer strength endurance training format that will lead you to increased strength, more muscular endurance, and the results you crave out of a training program.  

StrengthRx is a strength & conditioning program designed for the individual who loves to move heavier loads and smash cardio intervals. Each training day is a carefully structured combination of weight/gymnastics training combined with muscle endurance based WODs. You can expect to Squat heavy and then hop right on an Airbike for a sprint or complete a given rep count for an Olympic lift on the minute for multiple sets, or even cycle through varied movement patterns in a AMRAP to pack on volume and build endurance.  

What you get on StrengthRx:

  • Daily Absolute Strength Training Progressions, Weightlifting/Gymnastics Training paired with high intensity cardio intervals
  • Daily Conditioning WODs designed to build capacity and increase muscle endurance
  • Structured Warm Up to prep you for the day's training
  • Detailed descriptions on how to perform all of the training prescribed each day.
If you love to lift heavy but don't want to sacrifice your conditioning then StrengthRx is the program for you. Check out the sample training day below to get a taste of what StrengthRx is all about!
StrengthRx Sample Workout:
Volume: Monostructural; Airbike + Weighted; Olympic
A. Every 3:00 Minutes x 3 Sets; For Max Repetitions; At Strength Effort
12/9 Calories Airbike
Max Repetitions In Remaining Time: Clean; At 85-90% of 1RM Clean

Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Double Leg
B. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; At 70-75% of 1RM Front Squat
3 Front Squat; 20X1

Conditioning: Intervals
C. 3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets
1:00 Minute: Dual KB Shoulder to Overhead; 53/35 lb per Hand
1:00 Minute: Strict Pull Up
1:00 Minute: Row (Calories)
Want to check out more workouts just like this and get access to everything StrengthRx has to offer? Start your StrengthRx Month to Month Membership today and save 40% on your monthly membership with the code "RX40" at checkout!
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