HybridRx Sample Workout

HybridRx Sample Workout

HybridRx is the #1 program on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform. And for good reason too. Strength & Conditioning is one of the most sought after forms of training out there right now. Everyone wants to be incredibly strong and have the capacity to handle a ton of volume. A program that ticks all of the boxes, one that helps you build strength but also gets you that satisfying sweat of a hard conditioning workout all in one day, a recipe for success. 

HybridRx is designed to do just that. Each day is a hard hitting combination of Strength Training combined with effective Conditioning workouts that are guaranteed to get you the results you are looking for. But this is just another Strength & Conditioning program on the internet, what could be so different than the others? This is where HybridRx makes its jump above the rest.

On HybridRx you'll get all of the benefits of a real Strength & Conditioning Program in one training session per day, 60:00 minutes or less of your time, and no requirement for a second training session for "extra work". Your training will also be SUSTAINABLE - let me stress that again, your training is designed for the long haul, we follow sound tactics that are meant for continued success. No obscene amount of volume, no 3 hour workouts, just low complexity, effective training sessions that will keep you motivated to train for months on end. 

So, if you want to get stronger, build an engine that won't quit, and do it in a way that is designed for the every day human being, then check out what you get with HybridRx.

Here's What You Get:

  • Daily Strength Training Progressions - Olympic Weightlifting, Squat, Press, and Deadlift Progressions + Accessory/Supplemental Work
  • Daily Conditioning - Focused on the most effective conditioning formats, we do what works, not what grabs viewers on the internet because it's flashy
  • Constantly Varied Formatting for all Conditioning WODs - you're never going to get bored I can promise that
  • Emphasis on sound strength & hypertrophy training - We use proven strength training progressions to build real, long lasting strength and focus on Uni-Lateral Exercises to balance out both sides of our bodies.

HybridRx is designed for the every day athlete. When you combine strength training and hard hitting conditioning, you don't just get the average gym goer. You get something else. You get someone who's ready for anything. You get an athlete. And you don't have to be the best of the best to handle the work on this program. No matter who you are, your level of experience, your age, or your gender. HybridRx is for everyone.

Check out this week's HybridRx Sample Workout to catch a glimpse of a full training day!

This week we cover a "Volume" training session for the Clean and hit two killer triplets "For Time"!

HybridRx Sample Workout:

Volume: Weighted; Olympic
A. Complete 5 sets of the singular weighted element as listed below. Start at 70% of your 1RM and build each set - Do not exceed 75% of 1RM.

Clean; 3x3/2x1/1x1; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets

Set 1: 3 Reps
Set 2: 3 Reps
Set 3: 3 Reps
Set 4: 2 Reps
Set 5: 1 Rep

Conditioning: Circuit; For Time
B1. Complete 3 sets of the triplet as prescribed below "For Time".

3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort
21 Pull Up
18 American KB Swing; 53/35 lb
15/12 Calorie Row

B2. Complete 3 sets of the triplet as prescribed below "For Time".

3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort
7 Barbell Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunge/Side; 135/75 lb
9 Shoulder to Overhead; 135/75 lb
15/12 Calories Airbike

Want to share your thoughts or how you performed in the workout above? Leave a comment with your scores! I'd love to hear from you!

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