Are you ready for these AMRAPs?

"As Many Rounds as Possible", "As Many Reps as Possible", or "As Many Rounds & Reps As Possible" - the AMRAP is a format for building capacity. We use the AMRAP to accumulate volume, create dense training intervals, and improve our aerobic capacity. 

In today's GPP WOD Sample you'll find 3 different AMRAPs. Check them out below and give them a shot! Which one is your favorite?

Long Duration + Lower Intensity

Building capacity takes time. It requires the individual to move at repeatable efforts and sustainable paces. The ultimate goal is to complete as much work as possible in a given time domain. When we look at building capacity and accumulating volume over longer periods of time we have to focus on moving at intensities that will allow for continuous effort, we start slow, and over time we can increase our pace as we grow more accustomed to higher amounts of volume.

We use "Long Duration" AMRAPs on HybridRx, MetConRx, WODRx, DumbbellRx, and BaseRx to build a solid base of capacity and set ourselves up for the ability to tolerate more volume over time. 

Sample 1:
15:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
12/9 Calories Airbike
9 Burpee
6 Thruster; 95/65 lb

Moderate Duration + High Intensity

The following sample AMRAP demonstrates how we use a moderate time domain combined with a higher intensity to build muscular endurance. These AMRAPs often include heavier loads for weighted elements combined with a cyclical piece.

You can find AMRAPs like this on StrengthRx, HybridRx, WODRx, and BaseRx.

Sample 2:
9:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Strength Effort
250/200m Row
7 Shoulder to Overhead; 155/75 lb

Short Duration + High Intensity

Shorter time domains require higher intensities. The goal of the interval is to make it as dense of a work set as possible - meaning complete as much work as possible in a short amount of time. The shorter time domain will allow the individual to sustain a much faster pace without feeling like they are going to have to pull back just to make it through the final minute/seconds.

We use Short Duration AMRAPs on all 7 TrainRx Performance Programs. Check out the two samples below to get an idea of how we incorporate short intervals for mixed modal conditioning and single modality work on BuildRx!

Sample 3: Mixed Modal Conditioning
3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 4 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
3 Box Jump Over
5 American KB Swing; 53/35 lb
7/5 Calories Airbike

Sample 4: Single Modality - BuildRx
6:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Strength Effort
Deadlift; At 75% of 1RM or RPE 7-8 out of 10

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