DumbbellRx Sample Workout

DumbbellRx Sample Workout

DumbbellRx is designed for anyone who lacks access to a fully decked out gym, or for the individual who prefers the use of dumbbells/kettlebells over the barbell. This program is a testament to the fact that you do not need all of the equipment in the world to get high quality training, and better yet, to get serious results.

DumbbellRx consists of two individual training tracks:

  • Strength & Hypertrophy Only
  • Classic CrossFit/Conditioning Only
The two individual tracks cover the essentials for building lean muscle mass and increasing overall strength and for building muscle endurance and increasing overall capacity. No matter your preference for training, DumbbellRx has what you need to see serious results even if you don't have access to. lot of equipment.

This blog post is going to be dedicated to showcasing the new Strength & Hypertrophy Track. We've all seen the CrossFit/Conditioning WODs provided on the program to date, and if by chance you haven't, check this download out for 3 Samples. Today I want to take the time to go over how we can use dumbbells/kettlebells to build serious strength and improve our overall body composition. Check this out.

Building Lean Muscle Mass

If you want to put on some muscle mass, you've got to train for it. This means sticking with sub-maximal loads for rep ranges between 8-12, and sometimes even up to 15. On the new Strength & Hypertrophy Track we focus on using maximal weights for these rep ranges to guide you towards improved overall strength and to help you build lean muscle mass. 

This track focuses on using WMR (Weight of Max Repetitions) combined with the same high intensity interval formats found on BuildRx to give you a unique bodybuilding experience unlike any other found on the internet right now. We'll also be following a Full Body Split, this means each training day is a combination of individual movement patterns that hit each of the major muscle groups. If you didn't know this by now from paying attention to my Full Body Training posts then check this out.

Individuals who train the major muscle groups multiple times per week (3-5x) in comparison to individuals who train one muscle group per day, which often leads to 1-2 training sessions per week, see better results in terms of muscle growth and overall strength. This is a result of more total training volume, better recoverability, and increased frequency. Full Body Splits are the new Bro Split, leave your Back and Bis day in the dust and train more optimally!

Here's What You Get on the Strength & Hypertrophy Track:

  • Daily Strength & Hypertrophy Training - Focused around the 6 Functional Movement Patterns 
  • Weight of Max Repetitions Based - Each training piece revolves around using the heaviest load you are capable of for a specific rep count. This will drive necessary volume for strength progression, help you build muscle, and guarantee that using only some dumbbells will get you stronger!
  • Full Body Split - Hit 1 high volume training piece for each major muscle group every single training day
  • High Variety of Movements - There's no shortage of variety here. Expect to Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Press, and Pull in a wide variety of movement planes. This won't be the same 3 movements over and over again. 

Below you'll find 3 DumbbellRx Strength & Hypertrophy Track Workout Samples.

DumbbellRx Strength & Hypertrophy Sample Workouts

Sample 1:
Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Single Leg
A. EMOM Until 40 Repetitions/Side; At WMR8
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - L; 20X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - R; 20X1

Volume: Gymnastic; Horizontal Press
B. 6:00 Minutes; AMRAP
Push Up; 10X1

Volume: Weighted; Hip Dominant: Straight Leg
C. Every 3:00 Minutes Until 40 Repetitions/Side; At WMR8
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift/Side; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Horizontal Pull
D. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR15
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Alternating Single Arm Deadstop Row; 10X1

Sample 2:
Volume: Gymnastic; Vertical Pull
A. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Strict Chin Up; 10X1

Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Double Leg
B. Every 3:00 Minutes x 5 Sets; Start at WMR8 and Decrease Load Each Set
Max Unbroken Repetitions: DB Goblet Cyclist Squat; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Hip Dominant: Straight Leg
C. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; Start at WMR8 and Decrease Load Each Set
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Straight Leg Deadlift; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Vertical Press
D. 3 Sets; Each for Max Repetitions; Start at WMR12 and Decrease Load Each Set
1:00 Minute: Single Arm DB Overhead Press - L; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Single Arm DB Overhead Press - R; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Rest

Sample 3:
Volume: Weighted; Horizontal Press
A. EMOM Until 40 Repetitions: At WMR8
Max Unbroken Repetitions: DB Bench Press; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Pull Accessory
B. EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR15
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Alternating Biceps Curl; 10X1

Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Single Leg
C. EMOM x 10:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR12
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - L; 10X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat - R; 10X1

Volume: Gymnastic; Hip Dominant: Bent Leg
3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions
1:00 Minute: Single Leg Foot Elevated Glute Bridge - L; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Single Leg Foot Elevated Glute Bridge - R; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Rest

Volume: Gymnastic; Midline
6:00 Minutes; AMRAP; at WMR15
Dual DB Turkish Sit Up; 10X1

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