Descending Rep Counts & Ascending Load Schemes - Today's GPP WOD

Descending Rep Counts & Ascending Load Schemes - Today's GPP WOD

8 Descending Rep Count/Ascending Load Workouts

Today's GPP WOD focuses on the use of Descending Rep Counts in Couplets and Ascending Loads in both Couplets and Single Element workouts. These are some of the most effective formats for training at high intensities and including heavier loads in your training.

Descending Rep Counts - Couplets

What is a "couplet"? Couplets are workouts that include two different movements that are often complimentary to each other - for example, one movement is a "push" (Thruster) and the other movement is a "pull" (Pull Up). This example shows a classic CrossFit workout that we are all most likely familiar with - Fran. The combination of complimentary movements gives the individual a feeling of "rest" from one movement pattern while they are performing the other.

The Descending Rep Count format simply puts the majority of the work being performed in the first set or first few sets of the workout. The higher rep counts in the beginning of the workout allow the individual to complete the more challenging sets while they are the most fresh. As fatigue creeps in, the lesser sets will still feel difficult, but the demand for volume will be less. Although you are performing less reps in the later sets, they will still feel just as difficult as the first few sets because of fatigue. 

Ascending Loads - Single Elements & Couplets

The Ascending Load format can be used for both conditioning and for strength training. We most often find it used for conditioning in the form of a couplet and for strength training we use single element pieces.

The Ascending Load format includes multiple work sets for a weighted movement that gradually get heavier as the workout goes on. The first few sets are usually the lightest and have higher rep counts, and as we work, the weights get heavier as the rep counts decrease. This challenges the individual's ability to perform the same movement pattern at a greater intensity. 

Now let's put it all into practice. Check out the samples below to see how we use these formats on TrainRx Performance Programs.

Descending Rep Counts - Couplets

Sample Workout #1
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 9:00 Minute Time Cap
21-15-9 Reps;
American KB Swing; 53/35 lb
Box Jump Over

Sample Workout #2
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 9:00 Minute Time Cap
9-7-5 Reps/Side;
Single Arm DB Snatch; 70/50 lb
45-35-25 Reps;
Double Unders

Sample Workout #3
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 12:00 Minute Time Cap
45m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (30 Total Steps); 70/50 lb
7 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb
30m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (20 Total Steps); 70/50 lb
5 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb
15m Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge (10 Total Steps); 70/50 lb
3 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb

Sample Workout #4
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 9:00 Minute Time Cap
15-12-9-6-3 Calories/Reps;
Row (Calories)
Thruster; 95/65 lb

Coach's Notes:

Remember when performing these workouts we always start with the highest rep count listed. Using Sample Workout #1 as an example we start with 21 reps of the American KB Swing. After completing 21 repetitions we immediately move into the set of 21 repetitions for the Box Jump Over. When the first set is complete for both movements you being set 2 - 15 repetitions of each, then lastly move on to set 3 - 9 repetitions of each. 

Program Recommendation:

Check out WODRx for more couplets just like the ones listed above! On WODRx we use classic CrossFit workouts and formats to create a jam packed hour long training session that will include anything from long Rowing intervals to Heavy Back Squats to AMRAPs, Descending Couplets, and more! 

Download the WODRx 3 Sample Workout PDF for full training day samples.
Ascending Loads - Couplets & Single Element Strength Training

Sample Workout #1 - Couplets
For Time; At Strength Effort; 18:00 Minute Time Cap
20/14 Calories Airbike
5 Clean; 155/75 lb
20/14 Calories Airbike
4 Clean; 185/95 lb
20/14 Calories Airbike
3 Clean; 205/105 lb
20/14 Calories Airbike
2 Clean; 225/115 lb
20/14 Calories Airbike
1 Clean; 245/125 lb

Sample Workout #2 - Couplets
For Time; At Strength Effort; 15:00 Minute Time Cap
10 Deadlift; 225/115 lb
30m Dual KB Farmer's Carry; 70/53 lb per Hand
8 Deadlift; 245/125 lb
30m Dual KB Farmer's Carry; 70/53 lb per Hand
6 Deadlift; 275/135 lb
30m Dual KB Farmer's Carry; 70/53 lb per Hand
4 Deadlift; 305/145 lb
30m Dual KB Farmer's Carry; 70/53 lb per Hand
2 Deadlift; 315/155 lb

Sample Workout #3 - Single Element Strength Training
3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets
Back Squat; 20X1
Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% of 1RM Back Squat or RPE 8-9 out of 10
Set 2: 5 Reps at 80% of 1RM Back Squat or RPE 8-9 out of 10
Set 3: 3 Reps at 85% of 1RM Back Squat or RPE 8-9 out of 10

Sample Workout #4 - Single Element Strength Training
3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
Close Grip Bench Press; 20X1
Set 1: 5 Reps at 75% of 1RM Close Grip Bench Press or RPE 7-8 out of 10
Set 2: 5 Reps at 80% of 1RM Close Grip Bench Press or RPE 8 out of 10
Set 3: 5 Reps at 85% of 1RM Close Grip Bench Press or RPE 8-9 out of 10

Coach's Notes:

For any workout that includes changing of weight plates it's always a good idea to have the plates you know you're going to need ready and by your barbell. That way when you go to add weight everything is right there in front of you and you don't need to waste too much time. Because let's be honest, most of us don't have 5 barbells to load up. 

Using the RPE Scale for the Single Element Strength Training can be an extremely effective tool for pushing a little extra weight for your work sets! You don't have to go with the percentage of your 1RM for these sets, if 85% of your 1RM Close Grip Bench Press feels light for 5 repetitions go a little heavier, push it to a 9 out of 10 on the RPE Scale! This is where we build strength!

The RPE Scale for the Back Squat sets can also be extremely beneficial. Each of these sets needs to be intense (heavy weights), the percentage of your 1RM may not fit that criteria for your work set, if you find that you can move more weight for a set do it, and use the RPE Scale to help guide towards the proper weight based off how it feels - Check out the RPE Scale Guide here if you need a refresher for how it works.

Program Recommendations:

We use Ascending Load schemes on StrengthRx and BuildRx every week! Get the feeling of a classic bodybuilding pump without missing out on the sweaty conditioning work you love on StrengthRx or tackle classic bodybuilding with a high intensity twist on BuildRx. 

Check out the StrengthRx 3 Workout Sample PDF here for more training days.

Download the BuildRx 3 Workout Sample PDF for more high intensity bodybuilding.
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