BuildRx; WOD 134

BuildRx; WOD 134

BuildRx - High Intensity Bodybuilding

Optional Warm Up; Pre-Fatigue

3 Sets; For Quality; Rest As Needed Between Sets

3 Strict Pull Up/Assisted Pull Up

7 Half Kneeling Single Arm KB Overhead Press/Side; Moderate Loads

15m Dual KB Front Rack Carry (20 Steps); Moderate Loads

5 Hand Release Push Up

A. 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets

Weighted Pull Up; 10X1

Set 1: 3 Reps at RPE 8-9 out of 10

Set 2: 2 Reps at RPE 8-9 out of 10

Set 3: 1 Rep at RPE 8-9 out of 10

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Heavy Final Set

Scaled: Body Weight/Assisted Pull Up/Eccentric Pull Up; 51X1

B. 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest As Needed Between Sets

Strict Overhead Press; 20X1

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% of 1RM Strict Overhead Press

Set 2: 5 Reps at 80% of 1RM Strict Overhead Press

Set 3: 3 Reps at 85% of 1RM Strict Overhead Press

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Heavy Final Set

C. 3 Sets; At An Increasing Effort; Rest 1:00 Minute Between Sides

Barbell Back Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat; 10X1

Set 1: 15 Reps/Side at RPE 6 out of 10

Set 2: 15 Reps/Side at RPE 7 out of 10

Set 3: 15 Reps/Side at RPE 8 out of 10

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Increasing Effort - Build to a Challenging Final Set

D. Russian KB Swing; Max Unbroken Repetitions x 5 Sets; At Strength Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets

Recommended Scaling Option:

RX: Tough Effort - RPE 7-8 out of 10

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