A New Look at StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training

A New Look at StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training

A New Look at StrengthRx - Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training

Classic Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training was invented by a man named Pat O'Shea back in the late 1960's. It's an intense type of interval training that utilizes free weights, body weight skills, and cardio components to emphasize developing strength endurance, overall full body strength, and utilize both the body's fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. Not to mention, it's fantastic for torching unwanted body fat.

Over the years, classic Interval Weightlifting & Gymnastics Training has taken on a variety of different "looks". But the end goal has always remained the same - to combine weightlifting, gymnastics skills, and cardio components together to provide an extremely efficient, effective method for building overall strength and muscle endurance.

StrengthRx is going to be adopting this method to a fuller extent moving forwards on the TrainRx Performance Programming platform. So if you've checked out the program before, or if this email has already sparked your attention, keep on reading for some workout samples ahead and reasons why I've decided to adjust the formatting of this program.


New StrengthRx Sample Workouts

Formatting for all future StrengthRx workouts will be based entirely off intervals. We will be using shorter time domains such as EMOMs, and longer duration pieces such as "Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets (30:00 Total Minutes)" to place a much larger emphasis on building strength endurance, increasing overall capacity, and developing more efficient Strength Battery (ability to lift higher percentages of your 1RM while fatigued).

A lot of this training will include sub maximal loads for all of the weightlifting and a wide variety of gymnastics skills. Check out the 2 sample workouts below for a better idea of what's ahead on the program!

StrengthRx Sample 1:
A1. EMOM x 15:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort
Minute 1:00: 10 Dual DB Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunge/Side; 50/30 lb per Hand
Minute 2:00 5 Power Clean; At 65% of 1RM Clean
Minute 3:00: 12/9 Calories Airbike
Rest As Needed
A2. EMOM x 15:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort
Minute 1:00: 10 Strict Pull Up or 5 Bar Muscle Up/Ring Muscle Up
Minute 2:00: 10 Shoulder to Overhead; 135/95 lb
Minute 3:00: 250/200m Row

StrengthRx Sample 2:
A. Every 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets (30:00 Minutes); At Sustained Effort
9 Deadlift; At 75% of 1RM
15 Dual DB Box Step Over
10 Burpee Box Jump Over
AMRAP In Remaining Time: Row (Calories)

The above samples outline a lot of what the work on StrengthRx is going to look like moving forwards. There will be a really big emphasis on fatigued weightlifting and building overall aerobic capacity. 


The Reason Behind the Change

If you've checked out StrengthRx in the past, you may have noticed that it looked very similar to more popular style Strength & Conditioning programs -  a focused strength piece followed by some sort of conditioning, etc.

StrengthRx and HybirdRx were virtually the exact same program, give or take one, maybe two very minor differences. This was the main reason why StrengthRx needed a "facelift". 

I want to give you all as many options as possible when it comes to training and cover as many different styles as possible on the platform! Without giving you duplicates or programs that don't serve you any good.

So if you enjoy EMOMs, lifting under fatigue, or like the way the new StrengthRx workouts look, I encourage you to give it a try. You're in for a treat, these workouts are going to be killer.

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