A Brief Explanation of Conditioning Formats on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform

A Brief Explanation of Conditioning Formats on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform

Conditioning Formats on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform

Understanding all of the various formats used for conditioning workouts can be a daunting task. We've got EMOMs, AMRAPs, For Time Workouts, Chippers, and so much more. But what does all of this mean?

If you've ever found yourself unsure of what you're supposed to do in a given workout, look no further. The following information in this blog post will outline how to perform each of the most common conditioning formats found on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform and include examples of each to give you a better idea of what you're doing in your workouts!

AMRAP - As Many Rounds/Repetitions As Possible

An AMRAP is a circuit based, time dependent training format that requires the individual to complete as many rounds & repetitions or as many repetitions as possible of a given circuit in a specified amount of time. 

9:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort

12/9 Calories Airbike

15 Pull Up

7 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 50/30 lb

In the sample above, the individual is tasked with completing as many rounds & repetitions of the triplet as possible in the 9:00 minute time domain. To perform this workout, set a clock for 9:00 minutes and start on the Airbike. Accumulate 12/9 calories and then move onto the set of 15 Pull Ups, complete that set then move to the Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead for 7 reps/side. After finishing 7 reps/side start the circuit over at the Airbike and continue completing sets until the 9:00 minute interval has concluded. 

EMOM - Every Minute On The Minute

The EMOM is a task dependent training format that requires the individual to complete a given rep count within a 1:00 minute interval. The individual then rests for any remaining time in the 1:00 minute interval before starting the next work set on the next minute.

EMOM x 12:00 Minutes; At Sustained Effort

Minute 1:00: 15 Deadlift; 185/95 lb

Minute 2:00: 9 Box Jump Over

Minute 3:00: 12/9 Calorie Row

To perform the EMOM above start with the clock at 0:00 - when the clock starts perform 15 repetitions of the Deadlift, then use any remaining time in the 1:00 minute interval as rest before starting the next work set. At the start of the next minute begin the set of 9 Box Jump Over, complete the set and then use any remaining time as rest before starting the next set of 12/9 calories on the Rower on the next minute. Continue completing sets on the minute until 12:00 minutes or 4 sets for each movement are completed.

For Time - Complete a Given Task "For Time"

"For Time" workouts cover a broader spectrum of formats. They can consist of a specific number of sets to complete, a specific number of reps to complete, or a specific amount of distance to complete. The goal for any "For Time" workout is to complete the given workload as fast possible. There are multiple examples for the "For Time" workouts, reference them below.

For Time; At Sustained Effort - Task Dependent; Single Modality

2,000/1,750m Row

To complete this workout, the individual is tasked with completing 2,000/1,750m on the Rower as fast possible.


3 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort - Task Dependent; Circuit

21/16 Calories Airbike

15 Single Arm DB Power Snatch/Side; 50/30 lb

9 Burpee Box Jump Over

In this sample, the individual is to complete 3 consecutive sets of the triplet as fast possible.


For Time; At Sustained Effort - Task Dependent; Chipper

30 Strict Pull Up

50 American KB Swing; 53/35 lb

750/600m Row

50 Toes to Bar

30 Thruster; 95/65 lb

The following Chipper tasks the individual to complete the given workload for each individual movement as fast possible. The individual will need to use short/efficient rest periods to break up the larger work sets. You must complete the prescribed workload for the movement before moving on to the next movement.


3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets - Task Dependent; Chipper

30/24 Calories Airbike

20 Pull Up

10 Power Clean to Overhead; 155/75 lb

20 Barbell Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunge; 155/75 lb

In this sample Chipper, the individual is tasked with completing 3 individual sets of the circuit, each as fast possible. The individual will receive a 3:00 minute rest period after each attempt.

Constant Variance - Task Dependent Circuit Training with Varied Orders

Constant Variance is a circuit based format that requires the individual to complete a given amount of work "For Time" for multiple attempts. The big difference between a normal "For Time" workout however is the constantly changing order of the movements. Each individual set is to be performed in a different order (always given). The changing order challenges the individual's ability to repeat their efforts in a different setting.

3 Sets; Each For Time; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets

Set 1: ABCDE

Set 2: EDCBA

Set 3: CBDAE

A - 15/12 Calories Airbike

B - 15 Burpee

C - 10 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead/Side; 50/30 lb

D - 60 Double Unders

E - 15 Toes to Bar

Completing a Constant Variance workout is simple. Complete the prescribed workload for each movement in the order as given in each individual set. After each completion of each set the individual is granted 3:00 minutes of rest. 

Interval Training - Short and Long Duration Intervals

Interval training varies on the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform. For referencing, the two samples below will demonstrate long duration work intervals and short duration intervals. In each sample the individual will be tasked with completing various amounts of work. 

5 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort; Rest 3:00 Minutes Between Sets

1:00 Minute: Airbike - Calories

1:00 Minute: Row - Calories

1:00 Minute: Double Unders - Reps

In this example the individual is tasked with a 1:00 minute work interval to accumulate as many calories/reps as possible of each movement. Start with the Airbike, complete the 1:00 minute work interval and then move directly into the Row interval, followed by an immediate transition to the Double Under interval, and then rest 3:00 minutes before performing the next work set.

3:00/1:30 x 3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions; At Sustained Effort

15/12 Calories Airbike

15 Pull Up

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean to Overhead; 155/75 lb

In this long duration interval workout the individual is tasked with completing two sets of given work followed by using any remaining time in the 3:00 minute work interval to accumulate as many repetitions as possible of the Power Clean to Overhead. When 3:00 minutes has concluded, rest 1:30 minutes and then perform the next set. 


On the TrainRx Performance Programming Platform we use the most effective formats to guide you towards improved performance inside and outside of the gym. If you ever find yourself confused, or unsure of what to do in your workout reference this article for a brief refresher of what you're supposed to do!

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