3 Sample Workouts - HybridRx, BuildRx, & DumbbellRx (Strength & Hypertrophy Track)

3 Sample Workouts - HybridRx, BuildRx, & DumbbellRx (Strength & Hypertrophy Track)

TrainRx Performance Programs are built on simple, effective training strategies that get you results. No matter your age, your gender, or level of experience. No matter where you train, what you prefer to train with, or your background. These programs aren't experiments. We don't pack in the newest trends and fads into our training just because it looks cool, we use real, proven strategies to drive forward progress. Because that's what works for the long haul.

Check out the 3 sample workouts below from some of the most popular programs on the platform!

HybridRx - Strength & Conditioning for Functional Fitness

If your goal is to get stronger, get more fit, and train like an athlete, then HybridRx has exactly what you're looking for. When you combine heavy strength training with hard hitting conditioning workouts you don't just get the average gym goer, you get someone entirely different. You get someone who is prepared for anything. You get the every day athlete.

HybridRx Sample Workout

Weightlifting - Strength & Hypertrophy
Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Double Leg
Front Squat; 5x1/4x1/3x1/2x1/1x1; Start at 85% of 1RM and Build Each Set; Rest As Needed Between Sets

Conditioning - AMRAP
AMRAP; Monostructural + Gymnastic + Weighted
3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 3 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
7/5 Calories Airbike
5 Burpee Box Jump Over
3 Deadlift; 275/135 lb
Rest As Needed
AMRAP; Weighted + Gymnastic
3:00 Minutes; AMRAP x 3 Sets; At Sustained Effort; Rest 1:30 Minutes Between Sets
15m Dual DB Farmer's Carry (20 Steps); 70/50 lb per Hand
5 Single Arm DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb
5 Pull Up

BuildRx - High Intensity Bodybuilding

Are you tired of the same old boring bodybuilding routine? Are you going to into gym on a daily basis and just doing 3 Sets of 10 Reps and calling it quits? Are your working sets actually challenging you? If this sounds like your boring old bodybuilding routine, then it's time you make a change.

BuildRx Sample Workout

Volume: Weighted; Horizontal Press
EMOM Until 25 Repetitions; At 85% of 1RM
Max Unbroken Repetitions: Close Grip Bench Press; 20X1

Volume: Gymnastic; Vertical Pull
3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions; At Strength/Skill Effort
1:00 Minute: Strict Chin Up; 10X1
1:00 Minute: Rest

Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Single Leg
EMOM x 9:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR8 - Max Weight for 8 Unbroken Repetitions
Minute 1:00: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Barbell Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - L; 20X1
Minute 2:00: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Barbell Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge - R; 20X1
Minute 3:00: Rest

Volume: Weighted; Hip Dominant: Straight Leg
EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; At WMR15 - Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions
Max Unbroken Repetitions; Dual DB Straight Leg Deadlift; 10X1

Volume: Weighted; Midline
EMOM Until 400m (520 Steps) Completed; At Heaviest Load Possible
Max Unbroken Steps: Dual DB Farmer's Carry

DumbbellRx - Limited Equipment Strength & Conditioning

Your training routine doesn't have to suck because you don't have access to a fully decked out gym. If you train with limited equipment or prefer the use of dumbbells/kettlebells over the barbell, you can still get serious results. DumbbellRx has two training tracks - Strength & Hypertrophy and CrossFit (Conditioning Only). Check out this sample workout from the Strength & Hypertrophy Track.

DumbbellRx Strength & Hypertrophy Sample Workout

Volume: Weighted; Vertical Press
EMOM x 10:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; Start at WM15 and Build Each Set - Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Single Arm DB Overhead Press - L; 20X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Single Arm DB Overhead Press - R; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Hip Dominant: Straight Leg
EMOM x 10:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; Start at WMR15 and Build Each Set - Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions
Odd Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift - L; 20X1
Even Minute: Max Unbroken Repetitions: Dual DB Staggered Stance Straight Leg Deadlift - R; 20X1

Volume: Weighted; Knee Dominant: Double Leg
3 Sets; Each For Max Repetitions; Start at WMR15 and Build Each Set - Max Weight for 15 Unbroken Repetitions
1:00 Minute: Dual DB Goblet Cyclist Squat; 20X1
1:00 Minute: Rest

Volume: Weighted; Pull Accessory
EMOM x 8:00 Minutes; For Max Repetitions; Start at WMR15 and Build As Needed
Max Unbroken Repetitions: DB Crush Grip Biceps Curl; 10X1

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