3 Conditioning Based Workouts - MetConRx, WODRx, & BaseRx

3 Conditioning Based Workouts - MetConRx, WODRx, & BaseRx

TrainRx Performance Programs are built on simple, effective training strategies that get you results. No matter your age, your gender, or level of experience. No matter where you train, what you prefer to train with, or your background. These programs aren't experiments. We don't pack in the newest trends and fads into our training just because it looks cool, we use real, proven strategies to drive forward progress. Because that's what works for the long haul.

Check out these 3 Conditioning based sample workouts below from some of the most popular programs on the platform!

MetConRx - Constantly Varied Metabolic Conditioning

Do you prefer a hard hitting, sweaty, fast paced workout? MetConRx is designed to pack a punch. Each training day is focused on using the most effective conditioning based formats to deliver you a fast paced high intensity workout that is guaranteed to help you build capacity and increase your ability to train at higher intensities. MetConRx isn't just a WOD, we cycle through AMRAPs, EMOM, Chippers, and Circuits on a weekly basis to build you up, not just serve you a beatdown.

MetConRx Sample Workout

Conditioning - EMOM
EMOM; Gymnastic + Weighted + Monostructural
EMOM x 28:00; At Sustained Effort
Minute 1:00: 12 Burpee Box Jump Over
Minute 2:00: 20 Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Snatch; 50/30 lb
Minute 3:00: 12 Toes to Bar
Minute 4:00: 15/12 Calories Airbike

12 Burpee Box Jump Over
20 Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Snatch
12 Toes to Bar
15/12 Calories Airbike

15 Burpee Box Jump Over
20 Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Snatch; 70/50 lb
15 Toes to Bar
18/15 Calories Airbike

10 Burpee Box Jump Step Down
20 Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Snatch; 35/20 lb
10 V-Up
12/9 Calories Airbike

WODRx - Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

The old school CrossFit WOD Blog doesn't need to become a relic of the past. This is where the roots of CrossFit were grounded, why abandon the basic structure of something that has changed the lives of so many people around the world? On WODRx, we use classic CrossFit formats like AMRAPs, Chippers, and For Time Circuits to get you a jam packed 60:00 minute "Mash Up" of WODs on a daily basis. If you love high volume, classic CrossFit, then check this out.

WODRx Sample Workout

AMRAP; Monostructural + Weighted + Gymnastic
15:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
20/14 Calorie Row
20 Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps; 95/65 lb
12 Pull Up

RX+: 5 Bar Muscle Up/Ring Muscle Up

Chipper; Weighted
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 12:00 Minute Time Cap
90m Dual KB Farmer's Carry (120 Steps); 70/53 lb per Hand
30 Deadlift; 275/135 lb
25 Single Arm Alternating DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead/Side; 70/50 lb

Deadlift; 225/115 lb
Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Clean to Overhead; 50/30 lb

For Time; Gymnastic + Monostructural
5 Sets; For Time; At Sustained Effort; 15:00 Minute Time Cap
9 Toes to Bar
12 Box Jump Over
20/14 Calories Airbike

9 V-Up
12 Box Jump Step Down

BaseRx - Limited Time Constantly Varied Functional Fitness

30:00 minutes per day is more than enough to get really fit. That's why we take the same classic CrossFit Blog style approach from WODRx and trim it down to a 30:00 minute "Mash Up" of classic CrossFit workouts. BaseRx is a jam packed 30:00 minute training session designed to keep the intensity high, and training sessions extremely productive. 

BaseRx Sample Workout

Chipper; Monostructural + Weighted
For Time; At Sustained Effort; 15:00 Minute Time Cap
500/400m Row
25 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb
25 Shoulder to Overhead; 95/65 lb

500/400m Row
20 Dual DB Step Over; 50/30 lb
20 Shoulder to Overhead; 95/65 lb

500/400m Row
15 Dual DB Box Step Over; 50/30 lb
15 Shoulder to Overhead; 95/65 lb

AMRAP; Gymnastic + Weighted
12:00 Minutes; AMRAP; At Sustained Effort
5 Pull Up
7 Burpee Box Jump Over
9 Dual DB Power Snatch; 50/30 lb 

The TrainRx Performance Programming Platform offers a variety of ways to train for increased capacity and overall muscle endurance. Each of the programs above provide a unique experience to building capacity and increasing overall endurance. If you want a more structured approach, check out MetConRx. If you love the variety of CrossFit, then WODRx or BaseRx is the right choice for you!

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